Salvation Is More Than Being Saved

Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)

(Loyal Pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana for over 42 years)

Table Of Contents

  1. What is Salvation?
  2. Regeneration and Salvation
  3. Conversion and Salvation
  4. Imputation at Salvation
  5. Work Our Your Own Salvation!
  6. Eternal Life
  7. Salvation and the Law
  8. Salvation is More than Being Saved!
  9. Election at Salvation
  10. The Great Hindrance to Salvation
  11. Lordship Salvation
  12. God's Three Great Loves
  13. Justification
  14. The Salvation of a Nation
  15. So Great Salvation!
  16. My Saviour is Also My Friend
  17. Why Hell?
  18. The Simplicity of Salvation


Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001Jack Hyles began preaching at the age of 19 and has pastored for over 37 years. These pastorates include churches that varied in membership from 19 to over 72,000. All of these pastorates, other than the present one, were in the state of Texas: First, the Marris Chapel Baptist Church of Bogata, Texas; then to the Grange Hall Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas; from there to

the Southside Baptist Church of Henderson, Texas; and then to the Miller Road Baptist Church of Garland, Texas. He pastored the Miller Road Baptist Church for over 7 years and saw this church, under the Lord, grow from a membership of 19 to over 4,000. It was from the Miller Road Baptist Church that he was called to his present pastorate at the First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana.

Dr. Hyles has been Pastor of the First Baptist Church since August,1959.  This church has a membership of over 72,000 and has averaged for the past 7 years over 23,000 conversions and 7,000 baptisms per year.  For many years the church has been acclaimed to have the "World's Largest Sunday School."  During Dr. Hyles' ministry the First Baptist Church has increased in property evaluation to over $26,000,000.

Besides his position as Pastor, Dr. Hyles is Founder-Chancellor of Hyles-Anderson Schools, which enrolled over 3500 students last year.  The schools are operated by the First Baptist Church and are housed in separate facilities away from the church property.  Dr. Hyles has served as President of the Baptist Bible College in Denver, Colorado.

Dr. Hyles is the author of 35 books and pamphlets, exceeding over 8 million copies in sales.  One long-play record by Dr. Hyles is also available, "Let's Go Soul Winning" (awarded by the Evangelical Film Foundation an Oscar as the outstanding talk record of 1967), as well a many tape-recorded sermons.

Dr. Hyles' experience covers numerous evangelistic campaigns Bible Conferences, etc.  He has preached in virtually every state of the Union and in many foreign countries.  His annual Pastors' School attracts thousands of preachers from every state and many foreign countries.

More Life Changing Sermons by Dr. Jack Hyles:

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 "I am an old-fashioned preacher of the old-time religion, that has
warmed this cold world's heart for two thousand years."
—Billy Sunday